Let's Dance

It's Thursday. That means it's time for Listening, Wearing, Making! 

I've been loving this track by Jessie Ware: Wildest Moments. This has been cranked up in my studio a few times in the last week for sure. Then some dancing ensues between the hammering, the drilling, the sanding. 

Wearing. . . .Well, I wish I had a better outfit photo this week. . . I've been falling into a bit of a "grab whatever is most comfortable and easiest to get to" rut this week. I've been training my new employee, prepping Tangleweeds for a vintage collection, and time just feels short this week. I've discovered that I'm happy as a clam if I just wear a good pair of boots and some awesome legwear. . . . So, here, my fav combo of the week. . . The tights are Hue and the boots were found at Goodwill. (Yes, one of the luckiest thrift shop finds EVER). 


And making. . . Lots and lots! I've been busy at my spring/summer collection and the men's line. . . But that's best saved as a surprise for later! There have been many many moons being made as I pretty much sold out of all moon pieces over the holidays. Here's some of the crescent moons before they get made into earrings. I cut these shapes out of sheet metal and hand-texture them myself. No pre-made findings here. (Maybe that should have been the title of this blog post =)


Well, I'm off to my home town of Livermore today for a thrifting excursion and lunch with a friend. I hope everyone's week is chugging along nicely. And, hey, cause I know this is a new blog and people can be shy, maybe leave a comment (even just a short "hi!") if you read this and liked. I'm also totally open to suggestions for blog posts in the future. Just, ya know, sayin'. Thanks!!!