Gravenstein Apple Fair

Last weekend was one of my favorite events of the year: the Gravenstein Apple Fair. It was such a great time, that I actually had a bit of a come down on Monday when it was back to reality and back to the usual programming. I think I'm fantasizing a bit about moving to Sebastopol. Maybe one day, it's not such an outlandish dream. 

In all seriousness tho, this moving to Vallejo thing has been tough. Keeping my studio in Oakland has definitely been the right thing to do (at least for the time being, and most likely for the rest of this year), but the back and forth between the two cities is challenging. My weeks are feeling full before they've even begun lately, and I'm often feeling like I need to be in two places at once. 

I'm not gonna lie. I wish the rental market wasn't so astronomical in the bay area. I definitely would have stayed in Oakland if I could have afforded to, or moved even further away but the timing on that wasn't quite right just yet (that's a few years down the line "plan." I only put that in quotation marks because the older I get the more I laugh at the notion of "planning" in any traditional way for the future. Life often has it's own "plan" for you.) Writing that out really makes me see why things are feeling so wonky lately: I'm living in an "in between" place right now. In between some big life choices, in between two physical locations, in between what I desire and what I can afford.

I am grateful, oh-so-grateful, that I get to do what I love for a living. I just think I'm in a place where it's now time to start thinking about other areas of my life beyond Tangleweeds, and what I want it all to look like in the years to come. 

If you like, share you're own moments of difficult decision making in the comments below. I always love to hear from you guys, even about the heavier, real life stuff. (maybe especially that stuff!)

(p.s. the two photos above are from the Air BnB I stayed in during the fair in Sebastopol)