Full Circle - Weekly Recap

Good morning and good Monday folks! 

My first point of business 'round here: I'm going to be changing my "weekly recap" posts name to "full circle". The name feels right 'cause these posts are my way of looking back over the last week and seeing where I've been and what I've done (and sharing it with all of you), in essence coming back "full circle" to Monday from last Monday. And it's the name of one of my classic collections, yet another reason it felt right. 

This last week was my first week "back to work" with Tangleweeds. I must say it felt great. Taking a break right after the holidays always helps to re-charge my batteries, both creatively and around more practical matters. But this year I'm striving for a bit more balance, and this last week  definitely held a better balance: farmer's market shopping with Jeff, thrifting with my mom in Livermore, and time to practice my new found passion and hobby: weaving!

If you follow me on Instagram, then you've seen that this last week I was spending some time getting my studio cleaned up, including creating a small showroom space. This took the better part of Monday and Tuesday, but I was so glad I had the time to do this. I can't begin to explain how satisfying it is to look over my shoulder while I'm sitting at my desk, typing this blog post, and see my work all on display. I still have a bit more work to do to get the space completely ready for any sort of open studio time, but it will happen this year! Overall this last week was a lot about planning and laying out the groundwork to make my goals this year for Tangleweeds happen. 

Now, I gotta go prep for a small photoshoot that's happening tomorrow. I'm putting together a look-book for a tradeshow I'll be showing at in February. 

Here's to a wonderful week everyone!